
Environmental Policies

Good Environmental Policy is Good Business

At Grasshopper, we believe that being aware of environmental issues benefits not only our planet, but our customers and our business. That's why we remain committed to initiatives that cover a broad range of environmental issues.

Powder Coat finish

The powder coating system of dry finishing gives Grasshopper room to expand production and improve cure quality. It is also an environmentally-friendly process. Powder coating eliminates solvents which necessitate the venting, filtering, and recovery systems associated with paint and other liquid finishing systems.

"Overspray," or the powder that doesn't adhere to the part, is fully recyclable, eliminating nearly all of the costs of energy, labor and equipment for waste disposal needed with liquid finishing.

The coated part enters the oven, is heated, then gels and flows together to cure. There is no chemical curing or evaporation process required to cure powder coatings. The powder coated parts can by handled right out of the oven, ready to be assembled or packaged and shipped out of the factory. With a liquid paint system, humid weather often wreaks havoc on the cure times of parts.

Grasshopper has been using the powder coating method, rather than liquid paint method since 1986.

Low Emissions

All Grasshopper mowers use quiet, efficient, cool-running engines that comply with or exceed CARB and EPA air quality standards.

Manufacturing efficiencies

The Grasshopper Company endeavors not only to recycle lawn materials but also raw materials in the production process.

Our Computer Aided Drafting/Computer Aided Machining system fully integrated with a 3-D solid modeling computer design system optimizes the use of material and production time. The efficiency of our state-of-the-art equipment and skilled work force result in little reject factor. The "drop-off" scraps of steel are saved and recycled into castings.

Compost & Mulching

With Grasshopper PowerVac™ Collection systems, landfills are out, but composting is in. Collect clippings in your choice of seven collectors and compost clippings for future soil enhancement.

The DuraMax® Deck creates a healthier lawn. After directing grass clippings back to grass bed through mulching or side discharge, they decompose, making nutrients in the soil.

Long-term use

Grasshopper's quality construction, designed for easy replacement of worn parts, lends itself to extended use over many years as opposed to "throw-away" equipment which must be replaced instead of repaired and contributes to the waste stream. The compact size of Grasshopper encourages an active market in used equipment which allows each machine to be recycled into home or institutional markets.

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